Monday, September 28, 2015

Movie Review: Time Lapse

Trouble ensues as quickly as prosperity arises for a group of three friends, who find a camera that photographs one day into the future. Time Lapse is a sci-fi thriller, directed and written by Bradley King, that exposes the jealousy and greed that stem from knowing the future. This is one film that I could not take my eyes off of. Despite the idea of seeing into the future being a tad unrealistic, the situation this group of friends is forced to be in feels incredibly real. After viewing this film, it is understandable why it was nominated for numerous awards and the winner of five separate festival awards.

The film begins with three roommates; Callie, Jasper, and Finn, who notice they have not seen their neighbor in quite some time. In a search for him they not only discover he has died, but the trio of friends also find a camera positioned directly into their living room window. The camera snaps a picture at the same time every day that shows a photograph from exactly 24 hours in the future. How would you react to such an intriguing discovery? How could you use the future to benefit you and those around you? These are all topics Time Lapse deals with while also focusing on the strain and pressure such power creates.

With most time-travel movies, the logic of the story itself is normally tough to keep up with. However, this film explains just about everything that happens and the reason it happened a certain way. This film also has obvious connections to The Twilight Zone which almost every sci-fi fan can appreciate. Because of the film's refreshing perspective of classic time traveling traits numerous guesses can be made on what will happen next. These guesses however, are often struck down with the story line's quick turns toward the unexpected ending.  

I would recommend this movie to any one who is a fan of sci-fi films or for those just scrolling through Netflix with nothing interesting in there queue. King's approach to show how power and greed can destroy relationships both mentally and physically is an interesting one to say the least. The ending of the thriller also left me with a sore brain the next couple of days. Even if you are not a fan of the genre, go be a nice person and support underground film. 

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