Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Review: Apple Advertisements

I have always been a fan of Apple products. Growing up I had an array of iPods starting with the video and ending with the second generation touch and also featured just about everything in between. To this day I still use Apple products religiously as my iPhone has replaced my iPod, as it has for many people all over the world. However, the most interesting part of this to me is the loyalty I feel towards Apple. Other than providing me with great and consistent products, the company itself has never done anything to help me. I have yet to receive my good costumer discount or thank you letter in the mail for my years of using iDevices, so why is it that I am so drawn to the brand? Sure, loyalty plays a part here, but there has to be something else driving me to want the next iPhone rather than switching to a cheaper option.

While I, along with many others, may not be conscience of it; maybe advertising has been Apple's largest contributor. Apple's advertising today still markets what the company was all about when it was started: simplicity. iDevices are products that any one can use, there is no need for any extensive knowledge with computers or programming. Just about all of their ads take on the same idea as well with simplicity. They normally picture either a product or the logo with a little blurb to compliment it.

A huge part of these advertisements is taking something that is fairly basic to the world of technology and making it unique by placing the Apple logo on it. There are a bunch of different computer companies, cell phone brands, and mp3 players yet Apple seems to stand out from the rest of the crowd. This is because of the company's ability to make all of their products just slightly differentiated. The only real difference between an iMac and a PC is the fact that an iMac runs on Apple's software while a PC runs on Windows. It is because of this differentiation that Apple is able to stand out when compared to other computer companies.

I have always liked Apple's advertisements. They show what each of their products are capable of and the freedom each user has with them. I have never seen the brand release something that how you cannot live without their newest model. Each ad sticks to the script; here is our product, here is what you can do with it, and here is who we are. I honestly respect these ads and don't mind watching them either, which says a lot right there. Unless Apple's direction changes anytime soon, I don't see myself even bothering with another phone or computer producer.

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